Sunday, October 24, 2010

oct. 24

epically low turn-out again tonight.  i'm stopping going to the deathchurch on sunday.  but feel free to contact me and talk about Norse Myth.  my own research is continuously ongoing, and i'm down with sharing the knowledge and hanging out.
address is 3931 st-jacques, and we don't have a door-bell, so be sure to drop me a line before hand.  number is 377-3739.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

oct. 10

hey ya'll.  new reading is on the viking world.  author gives us a rough over-view, pulling from all the available sources.
article link
the really good part is the first 5 pages.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

oct. 03

low turn-out tonight; people seem pretty busy with band-off and other shinanigans.  no reading this week!